You Have To Learn More


Get The Job, Promotion And Paycheck You Deserve By Learning From The Top Sales And Business Podcasts Every Month in 1/3 the time!


“Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”

Robin Sharma

Just SOME of the amazing podcasts that will make you better!

Hey Sales People - Je

The Gary V Experience

The Surf & Sales Podcast

Inside Selling by Josh Braun

Women In Sales by Barb G

SDR Chronicles

The Sales Development Podcast

Make It Happen Monday - John Barrows

What's Next - Tiffani Bova

Accelerate - Andy Paul

Cardone Zone - Grant Cardone

Sales Leadership - Rob Jeppsen

The Sales Engagement Podcast

The Salesman Podcast - Will Barron

Sales Evangelist - Donald Kelly

The Brutal Truth - Brian Burns

Predictable Revenue Podcast.

B2B Revenue Leadership

In the Arena

How I Built This

SaaStr Podcasts

The Razor's Edge

Sales Success Stories

The Brutal Truth - Brian Burns

Sales gravy

Sales Tuners


This Week in Startups

Hoffman podcast

Saas revolution

Start up sales podcast

The SaasS podcast

Over 150 new summaries every month, plus access to the full archives!

“Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.”

John C. Maxwell

Additional MEMBERSHIP Benefits

If you're like most of our members you believe in expanding your knowledge and leveling up your skillsets to become better at your job and at life, but you just don't have the time to listen to all the podcasts that you know will get you there.

Who has time to listen to 100 Podcasts a month? Luckily as a PodcastRecap member... now you can, and so much more!

100+ New Episodes Monthly

A structured daily & weekly journal template to help you achieve your quota, goals, & dreams.

Keyword and Tagging

You'll be a part of something bigger, a true tribe that is here for you and support you. We will challenge you monthly to achieve more and win big prizes. Books, swag, even event tickets.

Podcast & Book Summaries

We'll share the best pieces of advice from todays top sales & mindset books, podcasts, and videos.

Monthly Newsletter

Monthly tips, tricks, brain hacks and more. You'll constantly be getting the cutting edge information on success and sales.

Ask The Experts

You actually get to ask the experts! We crowdsource our questions from our members, and have monthly live webinars where you get to ask the questions that YOU want the answers to.

Guest Follow Up

2 member exclusive videos and live webinars per week meant to help inspire, educate, elevate your mind and prime you for success!

Ask yourself this question...

Who Will Be More Successful?

You Using PodcastRecap

  • Consume 100+ Podcasts a Month

Enter your text heEvery month we add 100+ new summaries, on top of the database of summaries we already have. Consume an entire episode in just 5 min!re...

  • Only The Key Action Items

Each summary has the "5 Bite' aka the 5 key takeaways/action items. PLUS the fully summary that goes a bit more in depth.

  • Guest Follow Up For Further Insights & Updates

This is big, rarely do guests come on again, so we reach out ask them for updates, what did they wish they said, what would they change, and what they have learned since on the topics - No one else has this!

  • Notes Taken For You

Taking notes is key for retention, reading has also been shown to improve retention over just hearing. You'll retain this info better and can keep coming back.

  • CHEAP - Less than the cost of 1 Book.

We're talking less than 2 drinks or 3 coffees a month and you'll have access to the best database of knowledge possible

You NOT Using PodcastRecap

  • Consume 1 Podcast or Worse None per week

Even if you dedicated 1 hr ever day, at best you're getting 30 a month. Not 100s. But most people don't even get to 4!

  • So Much Fluff - Very little Action

Even if you did dedicate an hr everyday, it doesn't mean it was time well spent! You actually could have wasted all those hours because you got nothing.

  • Reading out of Date Books That Cost More

Books are great, but nothing beats the 'nowness' of podcasts. Talking to people doing it, that didn't have time to write books, and are still in the action right now.

  • No Notes so Low Retention and Low Action

You're almost always doing something else when listening to podcasts, so the retention is always very low. Combine that with fluffy interviews and not much ever gets done.

  • Unsearchable - You listend but got nothing from it.

You probably never come back to an episode, but repetition is key. You can't search the podcast for that one thing that you actually wanted.

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By joining the waitlist you will be automatically entered to win 50 of the top Sales and Leadership books upon launch! This is worth over $500 total, but also priceless knowledge!

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Frequently Asked QUESTIONS

Good sales people ask good questions. Here are the answers to the most common ones we get. But don't over think it and get in your own way as people all too often do. 

Is There a Long Term Commitment ?

No long term commitments, it is month to month and you can cancel any time. But keep in mind success does not happen over night. Some of the tips and tricks you'll learn will have an immediate impact, others will take time. So be patient. Stick with this for a year and you'll be SHOCKED at how much better you feel and perform.

What if I don't like it?

We have a 30 day money back guarantee, and you can cancel at anytime. But keep in mind, growth is hard! That's why it's called "growing pains" I promise you, if you truly dive in and implement what you learn. Not only will your sales go up, but your overall happiness, joy and enthusiasm for life will too.

This Sounds Fluffy... Prove it!

Gotta love sales people, they always want "The Facts". Cool, you can check out the list of over 100 studies and books here.

How much does it cost?

Less than you think, and way less than what it's worth. We will announce pricing at launch, but it's less than a $1 a day. Less than what you spend on coffee, booze, or a couple of lunches a month. This is an investment that you'll look back at as one of the best decisions you've made. The personal confidence and happiness this program will help you build are worth 10x the cost, but you'll make back your membership dues easily thru your increased commission checks!

Who is this NOT for?

This isn't for people that think they have it all figured out. Know it alls or argo bros. If you're already CRUSHING 300% of quota, don't need help, and have it all figured out... good for you, keep on keeping on. This isn't for people that are looking for a quick fix or a silver bullet. This isn't for people that are hoping they don't have to work to get better. This isn't for excuse makers either, this won't be "easy" but it will be "worth it"

When can I join?

We only accept members 3-4 times a year. Why? So that we can provide as much focus and attention to each group as they come in. There are guided & live webinars for each group that comes in, welcoming them to the modules, hosting "Ask Me Anythings", and making sure the group stays tight and inclusive. So be on the look out for the launch announcements, because when the cart closes, you don't get another chance for a few months at least!

30 Days

Money Back Guarantee

We're not here to take your money, in fact we're here to help you make more money! If you don't believe that this knowledge and information isn't worth $20 per month in your first 30 days, we will refund ever single dollar.

It's that simple. We're not here to steal your money, we're hear to help you be better and make more money.
