Join the PodcastBites Tribe

Earn While You Learn!

Earn credit, swag, and real $$$ by just sharing what you're learning. Spots are limited, so apply right now.

Help Yourself. Help Others. Help Us.

Every podcast summary is submitted by regular people like you and me. People that are already hungry for knowledge, but want to share it with the world. We set up this ambassador/recapper program to help not only scale (there are SO many epsiodes that need recaps) but also reward those that are helping us do so.

Earn While You Learn

For every summary you'll earn points and cold hard cash. Now you're being paid to learn!

Spread The Wisdom

We are on a mission to make all the amazing information in podcasts more accessible. You can be a part of that mission!

Learn More Yourself

Teaching is one of the best ways to learn. By taking great notes, and writing amazing summaries, you will actually improve your OWN retention.

Respect and Recognition

People will know it was you that wrote the summary. You can share those summaries and be recognized as a top contributor.

Perks of Being a "Recapper" for PodcastBites

Honestly most of our recappers just do it because they believe in the mission and believe in making others better, very similar to Wikipedia. But we also like to recognize those that are giving back, and here are just some of the ways.

Free Membership

Duh - As long as you are hitting the expectations of a 'Recapper' your membership is on us. Hitting new bench marks also earns more free months!

Get Paid!

For every summary you earn $5 credit that can be redeemed for swag or just a straight check into your bank account. It's up to you!


You get full credit for each and every summary, so people know it's you, know you're the one contributing, and is a great way to build a bit of a brand.

Earn Commissions

As a recapper you also get access to our platinum affiliate program. Which means you get a % of the recurring revenue that you generate from referrals. Yep you can build your own side income stream!

Earn Points

Every summary earns you points that you can redeem for all sorts of cool swag, books, gift cards, and more.

Personal Growth

Your own personal development will improve massively. 1 because you will be taking notes, so your retention goes up. But also consider this your own accountability system to make sure you ARE taking it seriously.

In Teaching Others... We Teach Ourselves.

Apply to be a Recapper Today!

Be A Part Of Something Bigger

Being a part of team, contributing to something bigger, is a core drive for us as humans. This is just one small way to do so. The same way that people contribute to wikipedia every day, we are building a similar tribe. A bunch of people, who care about learning, who want to help others learn more too.

You'll Learn Faster Too!

By taking notes, grabbing the key concepts, and writing it all down, your own retention and knowledge will increase significantly! Especially because you will actually be focused on learning, not just listening to listen.

Get PAID to Learn!

Does it get much better than that. You get to learn. You get to make a difference. You get to be recognized for that effort. AND you get paid? When is the last time someone made you and offer like that.

It is a win-win on so many levels, all that's left is for you to take action and become a part of the tribe.

Just SOME of the amazing podcasts that you'll help us summarize!

Hey Sales People - Je

The Gary V Experience

The Surf & Sales Podcast

Inside Selling by Josh Braun

Women In Sales by Barb G

SDR Chronicles

The Sales Development Podcast

Make It Happen Monday - John Barrows

What's Next - Tiffani Bova

Accelerate - Andy Paul

Cardone Zone - Grant Cardone

Sales Leadership - Rob Jeppsen

The Sales Engagement Podcast

The Salesman Podcast - Will Barron

Sales Evangelist - Donald Kelly

The Brutal Truth - Brian Burns

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles upon it.

Thomas Fuller


Kevin Dorsey

Award Winning Sales Leader, Coach, & Teacher

I can credit so much of my career success to just out learning and out executing those around me. I've read 100s of books, but really struggled with podcasts. They took too long and often times there were only 2-3 good take aways.

That's why I started PodcastRecap - Finally a way to absorb what is useful, and eliminate what is not (Thank you bruce lee) when it comes to podcasts.

I personally submit around 50-60 recaps a month, that's how much I believe in this, and how much I want to try and give back in any way that I can.

If you want to give back as well, share knowledge, help others grow as you grow. Apply to be a 'Recapper' today!

How Does It Work

It is very simple and straight forward in terms of joining the Bites Team. We want to have people helping us that meet the high quality standards we are looking for. Not everyone can and will be accepted.

Apply to Be A Recapper

Fill out a simple 5 question survey giving us a little background on you and why you care about personal development

Submit A Sample

We'll send you an episode to summarize, with a guide on what we look for, tips and tricks, and guidelines. You submit in a simple form online.

Set Up Account

If accepted, we set you up with an account to access our database of podcast episodes that are just WAITING for someone to summarize and share with the world.

Grab an Episode

Come in whenever you want, grab an episode, and you have 48 hours to summarize it before it goes back into the pool to be summarized. Pick your favorite show, or explore new ones!

Submit for Approval

Same as the first time, write an amazing summary. Normally about 2 pages, plus the 4-5 key actionable take aways. It will be reviewed for approval and then pushed live.

Earn Points Get Paid

Again for every accepted summary not only do you earn $5 per, but also points that you can later redeem for swag, rewards, or gift cards.

It's that simple...

Just to Summarize (See What I Did There?)

Give Back and Help Others

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Earn Recognition and Points

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Free Membership and Make $$$

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Frequently Asked QUESTIONS

Good sales people ask good questions. Here are the answers to the most common ones we get. But don't over think it and get in your own way as people all too often do. 

What are the Expectations?

No long term commitments, it is month to month and you can cancel any time. But keep in mind success does not happen over night. Some of the tips and tricks you'll learn will have an immediate impact, others will take time. So be patient. Stick with this for a year and you'll be SHOCKED at how much better you feel and perform.

What If A Summary Is Rejected?

We have a 30 day money back guarantee, and you can cancel at anytime. But keep in mind, growth is hard! That's why it's called "growing pains" I promise you, if you truly dive in and implement what you learn. Not only will your sales go up, but your overall happiness, joy and enthusiasm for life will too.

What If I miss a month/miss expecations?

Gotta love sales people, they always want "The Facts". Cool, you can check out the list of over 100 studies and books here.

How are the summaries moderated?

Less than you think, and way less than what it's worth. We will announce pricing at launch, but it's less than a $1 a day. Less than what you spend on coffee, booze, or a couple of lunches a month. This is an investment that you'll look back at as one of the best decisions you've made. The personal confidence and happiness this program will help you build are worth 10x the cost, but you'll make back your membership dues easily thru your increased commission checks!

How Much Can I Make?

This isn't for people that think they have it all figured out. Know it alls or argo bros. If you're already CRUSHING 300% of quota, don't need help, and have it all figured out... good for you, keep on keeping on. This isn't for people that are looking for a quick fix or a silver bullet. This isn't for people that are hoping they don't have to work to get better. This isn't for excuse makers either, this won't be "easy" but it will be "worth it"

What is the approval process?

We only accept members 3-4 times a year. Why? So that we can provide as much focus and attention to each group as they come in. There are guided & live webinars for each group that comes in, welcoming them to the modules, hosting "Ask Me Anythings", and making sure the group stays tight and inclusive. So be on the look out for the launch announcements, because when the cart closes, you don't get another chance for a few months at least!

What is the approval process?

We only accept members 3-4 times a year. Why? So that we can provide as much focus and attention to each group as they come in. There are guided & live webinars for each group that comes in, welcoming them to the modules, hosting "Ask Me Anythings", and making sure the group stays tight and inclusive. So be on the look out for the launch announcements, because when the cart closes, you don't get another chance for a few months at least!

Spots Are Limited

Don't Wait - Apply Today!

We can only take on so many summarizers at one time, once we are maxed out, we can't accept more until we add more/new podcasts to the library. Now is the time to get in early, so don't wait. Get a free membership. Earn Swag and Points. Get Paid - Kind of a no brainer!
